• Is it possible to detox from sugar? Or even necessary ?

    White sugar cubes on wooden spoon with granulated refined sugar sprinkled on table

    Sugar has been labelled a dietary monster and cause of many of our health concerns (in the media).

    Sugar elimination diet are increasing in popularity all over the world.

    Unfortunatly, the messages we receive about sugar have been oversimplified and sensatonalised to present a specific view on sugar.

    Woman trying to force herself eating salad

    Result: extreme diets that dont take a balanced view of nutrition and our relationship with food.

    Refined sugar isn't necessary part of our diet. One of the issue with oversimplification of the on sugar is the distinction between refined sugar and natural sugars, that form the building block of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and dairy.

    Unlike whole foods, refined sugar has been stripped of very vitamins and minerals, that are required for its metabolizm. For this reason, consuming excess refined sugar can displace nutritions foods.

    That why most, most dietary guidelines recommed people reduce consumptions of refined sugar.

    Natural sugars are an essential part of our diet.

    On the contrary, the sugars as found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains are essential to our life, they are packed with vitamins and minerals that a essential for metabolizm and provide energy to our brain.

    For example,Carob Cream Graf is naturally sweet product, contains vitamins such as A, B2, B3,B6,E,D,C...., minerals such as Copper, Calcium, Manganes, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium. Also is high in fiber, pectin, antioxidant, galic asit ....

    Graf brand logo

    Substantially limiting sugars in the diet can result in mood issues, depression, fatigue and poor sleep.

    This is not surprise as the brain requires sugars to function. Sugars are essential for transportation of the amino acid triptophan into the brain, where it is converted to serotonin and then melatonin our good mood and sleep hormoned,restpectively.

    Is there such a thing as a sugar detox ?

    Proponents of sugar detoxes proclaim that you may experience headachees due to detoxifying effect of reducing sugar in the diet. They recommend you "soldier on" , as it's worth it to reduce your cravings and dependency on sugar.

    However, there is no scietific evidence of a sugar detox effect on the brain.

    The symptoms attributed to sugar detoxing, such as headaches, tiredness or moodiness, are more likely the result of the brain receiving insufficient sugar.

    Unfortunaly, "soldier on" is unlikely to have any significant health effect for an otherwise healthy individual. And at worse could be risky for those with low blood preasure or blood sugar, metabolic disorders or other health conditions.

     Tied sitting woman and woman happily looking at slice of cake

    An effect of depriving ourselves of all things sweet may be experiencing immense cravings that can result in unnecessary guilt and shame should we eat a piece of fruit or a sugar detox. Or should we overeat sugar-laden food once the detox or challenge has ended.

    Finding your sweet spot: the right portion of sugars in your diet.

    Smiling woman showing Carob Cream Graf

    By choosing Carob Cream "GRAF" you can enjoy a naturally sweet, uniquely flavourful and nutritious product !